Apple paid competitors stole user information


Apple Payments competitor CurrentC said on Wednesday that developers of the MCX service expressed that hackers had obtained information from CurrentC users. Hackers are targeting the MCX's email provider, not the CurrentC application itself. MCX is a joint venture created by major US retailers as an effort to avoid payment of transaction fees. It did not disclose how many people were affected, but stated that many stolen email addresses have no actual users.
Spokesman Linda Walsh of MCX said in an e-mail: "Many of these email addresses are only used to test virtual accounts. The CurrentC application itself has not been affected. We have informed our business partners. "The retail giants CVS and Rite Aid will not accept the Apple payment system, although the service was initially allowed. The incident also added to CurrentC’s vulnerability to mobile payment services. Some of the commenters said that CurrentC’s interests are more toward retailers than customers. And its competitor, Apple Payments, has always advocated customer data security.